Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Think Spring

Maybe I'm just flushed from the thrill of having finally finished my Blue Diamonds top, or maybe my intention to 'use it up' is kicking in. Whatever the reason, I made a return visit to the big chair and picked Spring Garden off the pile. It hasn't been sitting nearly as long as Blue Diamonds, but long enough - about 18 months, which is really no time at all in my books :).

All I have left to do is the border but it was going to take a few brain cells to get myself organized enough to cut and then sit down and sew. I must have been having a good day because I'm into the swing of it and have the border about one quarter finished. It helped finding a quick reference chart for the setting triangles - especially cutting 4 at a time. I'll be using this regularly.

It's fun to see the transition from a sketch on paper to the real deal.

I don't have much of the blue floral fabric left so it will affect how wide I can go with the final border, but the quilt isn't that big so I'm hoping that there's enough to make it about 4 inches wide....M


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.