Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hexie Diamonds Are Piling Up

There are 6 more diamonds finished for Minnie so I thought that a group photo was in order.

I've been adding to the pile because I wanted to have a good distribution of fabrics when I assemble the next larger 4-diamond diamonds, if that makes sense, and realized that there are now 32 all set to go so it might be time to start sewing some of these together.

About six more are half sewn, just needing the final round to be added - not sure if I'll finish these off or move on to the larger diamonds. Either way, it will be an afternoon of hand sewing.

We're back into another deep freeze on the weather front so I wanted some comfort food to help take the chill off; nothing like Apple Crumble for that.

It always smells so great coming out of the oven that it's hard to resist digging in to it right away.

A hearty beef noodle soup to start and then some of this yummy goodness to wrap things up. It's great with ice cream, or just straight up - not bad for breakfast either with a dollop of yogurt....M


  1. All your diamonds are beautiful. Can you tell me what size of hexagons you use? Thanks in advance.

  2. Gorgeous diamonds. Looking forward to seeing it all come together. Love apple crumble....yum.

  3. Your hexies are wonderful! The recipe so yummy and just right with all the apples in the stores right now. And thanks for linking to Hexie Weekend.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Looking good! I can't wait to see this come together into bigger diamonds. Nice work!

  6. Hey Marie... nice to meet you! Your hexie project is wonderful. I have never seen these blocks before.
    Thanks for linking up and hope your enjoyed your Slow Sunday Stitching!

  7. Love the variety of colors you're using for your hexagon diamonds. Can't wait to see the next step.

  8. Marie - you are a very naughty quilter! The quilt you are making is on my to do list and when I see your blocks I am just itching to get started on mine. And you are absolutely right about the weather and apple crisp! I made one last night. It makes the house smell good when it's making and it makes me feel good when it's in my tummy!

  9. As a new convert to EPP and hexies, I must say that I absolutely love yours! I've had to let mine take a back seat for a while so I can finish my Storm at Sea ... and move on to a couple of long-promised quilts for my grandsons ... so I'll enjoy watching yours take shape.

  10. hexis and crumble oh wow, yes...........Im following!!


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