Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Required Reading

We're ramping up for our annual Christmas Cookie Bakeoff this Saturday and look what arrived in the mail - Bon Appetit's Christmas edition, with a section devoted to cookies. While the cover didn't really say 'Christmas' to me, it did say 'cookies', so I took a quick peek.

It's not the prettiest spread - not sure if they were attempting to make it look like something from Instagram (have clear, bright images gone the way of the DoDo?), but it did have a good refresher section on how to mix, roll, freeze, slice and decorate. These Roasted Almond Thumbprints on the left looked yummy - they fell into the 'anyone can bake cookies (even non-bakers)' category.

Savoury Rosemary and Toasted Caraway Shortbreads caught my eye too and I think that I might have to give them a try.

Then there was this page with painted Sugar Cookies. Not to my liking for sure, but it does have a certain graphic quilt pattern sensibility, doesn't it?

I've done the run to the grocery store for supplies but didn't have all my recipes out to see what it was that I needed so I'd better regroup in the next day or two.

We got our first big snowfall of the season overnight and woke to this beautiful sight so I just had to turn the lights on while it was still dark. It should be nice and festive for our day of baking; time to download some carols to the iPod....M

1 comment:

  1. A day of cookie baking and snow outside sounds amazing. I can't even imagine what that would be like. 35 degrees celcius here today!


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