Thursday, November 28, 2013

Almost There

Slow and steady has been the pace for this one but it's paying off. I've got the centre panel done and just need to finish off a few more stars before I sew it all together.

There's lots of different fabrics in the centre panel - some holiday prints and some not - and it's just fun to look at. I really love how it has come together - the combination of the reds, greens and yellows are a happy centrepiece for all those wonderful little 4" stars. And the little bit of white & cream thrown in makes it feel 'snowy' too (is that a word?).

It's finally starting to look like its name, Stars All Around.

I'm trying to get as many different reds into the stars as possible for a really patchwork/scrappy feel and have made a few of the stars using a couple of reds too, just to mix it up.

And it's been fun adding in a few interesting background fabrics too. I think this red and green dot might have been from Fig Tree (surprise, surprise!). I'd love to have more of it but these are the remnants from my red & green Flying Geese quilt. I'll enjoy them that much more knowing that there's no more to be had....M


  1. I just love this, Marie! Sawtooth Stars continue to be my favourite, and the pieced centre is perfect too. It's going to be fantastic!

  2. Hey I think I see some of my fabrics in there! Kleptoquilting? It looks lovely Marie. I may have to make one too!

  3. It's lovely. Makes it special to have the last pieces of some favourite fabrics too.


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