Monday, November 11, 2013


When I first showed the Log Cabin potholders to the Official Cookie Tester he really liked them and mused aloud that they would be nice placemats. It got me thinking, then digging through my 'favourites' (saved before I became a Pinterest junkie) for something that I had seen on Connie's blog roughly this time last year. She referred to hers as Christmas logs, but another look at them makes me think that it's really the Courthouse Steps pattern. Regardless, since the table was still covered in the remnants from the Holly Bazaar sewing I decided to try and use them up rather than put them away.

I wasn't quite sure what to use as a starting strip size but settled for a 5" piece and it worked out perfectly. The placemats are about 14" x 12" which is the size of a woven set that I have that I like - that's the turquoise that you see in the background. They are still on the table waiting to be quilted and hopefully that will get done this week.

There were still a few strips left over so I've put together two more potholders which still need to be quilted and bound as well.

The pile of strips was getting smaller so I started cutting the 1.5" strips into squares so that they would be used up. I was going to just add them to the bag of pieces for another project that I started earlier this year and get the quilting done first, but when I sat down to sew today I ended up making scrappy red & yellow/cream 4-patches instead of quilting. More to come on that one....M

p.s. Hope you thanked a Veteran today.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the colours you're using - delightful! I hope the Holly Bazaar was a big success.


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