Thursday, November 07, 2013

Good To Go

There's been the usual flurry of activity with lots of finish up work for the bazaar, but I must be getting a little better at it because this year I'm actually getting to be before midnight :). Potholders have been bound...I found a nice little check with stars in it that has a dominant stripe so when it's cut on the diagonal it looks more like a stripe than a check but I think it sets off the colours in the block nicely.

Lots of cookies have been baked and wrapped. This year I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip with Raisins & Dried Cherries, White Chocolate Gingerbread and Toblerone Shortbread.

The packaging and labelling is fun but can almost take as much time as the baking!

I pick up rolls of ribbon from the sale bin after Christmas each year so I have a good selection to work with.

I also made eight mini Apple Pecan Bundt Cakes and got them wrapped and ready to go as well. I haven't made this recipe in a while and was tempted to set one or two aside for us to enjoy, but I'll just make another batch in a day or so.

There are 20 hearts and 4 jars of the Plum Chutney that will also go into the box, and tonight I put the finishing touches on 6 felt birds while watching a little college football.

I tried a blue ribbon with the cream birds this year and quite like them. Nothing left to do now but fall into bed and get ready to deliver all the goodies tomorrow morning....M


  1. I hope the bazaar goes well for you - you have made some lovely things and I am sure they will be popular. I've just realised that I have missed a few posts and just read your post about the closet of quilts - very interesting and how lovely that they have them... such a lot of memories!

  2. Delightful goodies that you're taking to the bazaar! Hope you ladies have a fabulous day. Love
    that white bird with the blue ribbon!
    Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Marie - everything looks so pretty. Packaging is a lot of work but it is worth the effort. The cookies sound delicious. If I were a little closer I would have bought then all!

  4. Good luck at the bazaar. The apple pecan mini bundt cakes look delicious! I can almost smell them.


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