Wednesday, September 04, 2013

More For Minnie & Feelin' Groovy...

I spent the weekend putting together rows of Candied Hexagons and am quite enjoying them. It's nice not to have to cut your thread every couple of minutes the way that you do when you work on tiny pieces.

And, speaking of tiny pieces, I've got a couple more Minnie blocks together. Here's the first...I just love that dark green; actually, both greens are compliments of Jane's stash.

And here's number two...

I've got 16 together now so time to assemble a few larger diamond blocks.

And for anyone who has sewn in their lifetime this was just too good not to post; I think I'm the one in the back....M


  1. Too funny! I actually turned the sound on, expecting to hear music.

  2. If that's you in the back, then I'm the groovin' one in yellow!

  3. Loved it Marie! You and Betty are such groovin' chicks. Jane

  4. love the gif, groove on baby


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