Thursday, September 05, 2013

It's Apple Season

It seems that as soon as the calendar turned over to September there has been a decided change in our weather - much more fall like than the hot, humid weather of last week. It's bittersweet. I like shifting into sweaters and watching the leaves change but I also miss the freedom of summer. No socks. Lots of time outdoors. But this is also the best time of the year to enjoy fresh goodness from the farmers markets, so the other day I picked up our first taste of apples. They were much tarter than the Official Cookie Tester preferred so I decided to put them into a cake.

It didn't take long to go from this...

to this. I used the recipe that I shared a while ago - it's Marie Helene's French Apple Cake. If you copied it out the last time I posted about it please take another look at your recipe. There is a notation to use 2 eggs, not 1, and I can't remember if I used 1 or 2 the last time I made it.

It also didn't take long for the Official Cookie Tester to swing into tasting mode. Success! Much less tart, with all that apple goodness wrapped up in rum and butter. What's not to love?....M

1 comment:

  1. Yum, yum, yum!! Love apples, apple pie, apple turnover, apple slices...just love apples!!



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