Monday, August 12, 2013

Between The Covers

A very special friend celebrated a milestone birthday recently so a small group of us met for lunch last week to fête her and I decided it was the perfect excuse to make a journal cover. She's a quilter and likes batiks so even if she never writes a note in it she will have some lovely fabric to look at :).

It's been a while since I have put one together so I needed to get my brain thinking the right way again, but it kicked in eventually. I did have to dig up the tutorial once it got to sizing the batting, but after that it was sort of like riding a bike - once you know how it all comes back with a little practice.

I'm getting smarter about cutting and laying out all my strips before I sew and it makes things go a lot more quickly and smoothly.

It seems a shame not to include a little colour on the inside flaps so I added a few there as well to make things interesting.

When it was all wrapped and ready to go I couldn't help but think that this pattern would be lovely to appliqué some day. There's inspiration everywhere.....M

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful cover. Lovely colors/fabrics. I'm sure your friend will like it a lot.


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