Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Done Deal

Over the long weekend we all congregated at Jane's cottage, stitching in hand, and Betty's mission was to put the finishing touches on her Fruit Salad top. Mission accomplished, and wonderfully so.

Before she left for home she laid it out in the garden to get a good look at it. All I can say is OMG! It is so fabulously stunning she will have a hard time closing her eyes to sleep under it. The pics are taken with her phone so they aren't that clear but I will have more as she quilts it - promise.

The transition to the border from blue & pink/yellow triangles to just yellow & pink worked beautifully and that border fabric is still as amazing as ever with it. In the dappled sunlight it looked even more so.

Of course, a certain someone had to road test it to confirm that it was bed ready. I think it passed the test - those eyes are looking pretty sleepy.

She also snapped a shot of a collection of potholders that Jane has made - she has lots of fun with these....M

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it's been a productive summer.

    Stunning work Betty!


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