Monday, June 10, 2013

Spot's Back

While I was digging into my basket for more strips to cut hexies for Minnie I came across a baggie with pieces from Spot that I started last summer and decided to pick it up for a while as my hand stitching instead. I remember why I had put it on the shelf for a while - I was coming to the end of the white that I am using and needed to figure out how to transition to a new white.

I had enough to make 4 more blocks with the original white so they are all done now. I've also decided to use a little white-on-white print for the rest of the blocks.

The quilt is currently 5 x 6 blocks so I toyed with putting each of the 4 new blocks on each corner along with a white border the same width, but it just wasn't doing it for me so I'll still use the 4 for the corners on this round and the white-on-white blocks for the rest of blocks. When I see how big it is I'll decide if it needs another round or not.

This is what the original white looks like...

and this is the white-on-white (the blocks aren't pressed yet).

It's a subtle difference but once it comes together I think the difference will be more obvious. I think that I have 7 or 8 of the second type/colour made as well. Much as I love the little hexies it's been nice to have longer runs of fabric to stitch....M


  1. I think that sometimes a subtle change in the white (or background) can enhance the look of the quilt. Gives it more depth and personality.

  2. These are going to be so pretty in a quilt. They look tiny, how large are they?

  3. I love the little hit of red in some of the centers.


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