Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beautiful Handwork

If you spend any time at all online looking at quilt blogs or checking out Pinterest posts you know that there is in no way a shortage of talent in this world that loves to interpret needle and thread into beautiful and functional quilted works. The combinations and interpretations are constant, varied and always interesting. But every now and then you see someone's work and it just stops you in your tracks. You pour over it, examining every little detail.

Last week I had one of those moments. Linda, from Quilts in the Barn, shared images of Nathalie Méance's work from the recent Pour L'Amour du Fils show that she attended in Nantes, France. She has kindly let me share one of her photos with you (you know, a little eye candy to get you interested), but don't stop here - check out all the lovely shots that she took and be certain to click on the images so that you can see them in greater detail.

Nathalie's work is amazing. The combination of embroidery and pieced blocks creates a richness, depth, sophistication, and a softness that is hard to describe. They don't shout at you but they do draw you in to spend time exploring each and every little seam and embellishment - they exude a love for the craft. You can see a patient layering of fabric and thread and ribbon and beads, coaxing each to a new and lovely interpretation.

Her book The Embroidered Quilts Fairy Pirouette, is published by Quiltmania and includes all of the projects that she had at the show. Might need to add it to your reading list....M


  1. Beautiful. Wouldn't that be wonderful to journey to another country to see the quilts made there? and the lala!

  2. It's been so wonderful seeing Linda's photos. Thank you for showing these again, such beautiful fabrics and details.


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