Friday, April 19, 2013

Evie's Over The Moon

A certain little girl turned four recently and included in her birthday surprises was the first of the two quilts that her Granny (Linda) and Auntie Jane started making last spring - she's getting two because she's a big girl now and moved into a new room with twin beds.

Last weekend Granny delivered the goods to the happy little camper and she couldn't be happier. And no wonder...isn't it just gorgeous?

You'll recall that she picked the colours that she wanted in it and the fabrics that Linda and Jane selected were just beautiful.

It is machine quilted with a cross-hatch down the rows of blocks and great little swirls falling in behind the rows of flowing bunting...

It is just so lovely. How could you not be happy cuddled in under this? That bunting is just adorable!

Their inspiration came from Sunkissed by Sweetwater.

What a treasure. Thanks for sharing, gals...M

1 comment:

  1. How sweet. I love the colours. Evie has a good eye for colour. The little flags really set it off.
    Very nice work Jane and Linda.


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