Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Coming Together

Well, wonders never cease. I started chain stitching the Stained Glass blocks together last week and, slowly but surely, all of the rows came together. I just love this method - it saves you sooooo much time - no hopping up and down continually to get your pieces and when all the rows are together there is no guess work to the next step.

I thought that it was going to take longer to sew the columns together than it did because there was a lot of pinning required to make certain that the blocks align, but once I got into the 'zone' that too went faster than I had anticipated.

So now it's all together except for the border.

I picked up a light gold print with tiny daisies last week on sale (can you say 50% off?) and have enough to do both the border and the backing.

In my Pinterest travels I've seen a technique for creating a faux piped binding so I might try that to incorporate a fine line of colour when it is bound - maybe red or purple - similar to the solid green on this shot. Sorry, the Pin doesn't take you to the site that this image came from otherwise I would give it to you but I thought that the image would be helpful.

It's nice to be closing in on the finish line for this one. When the borders are done it will go to Betty to put up on her frames for quilting - a real group effort....M


  1. Love the colours you're used - it's a beauty!

  2. Looks great Marie. I like that faux piped binding.
    It's been great to work on this in such a collaborative way.

  3. Such lovely quilts you make!...and thanks for your kind comment at my blog.


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