Friday, February 08, 2013

Jane On a Roll

Jane is a quilt commando at the best of times, and our weekend at the cottage was no exception. We spent a lot of time rummaging through her stash and when we came across fabric that she had been looking for to bind a Christmas quilt that she had made several years ago (7, I think) she pulled both it and the quilt out to finish it off. She made the binding and has started sewing it on. It wasn't finished when we left the cottage but it will be soon. I'll have to get a pic of the entire quilt for you.

It is a beautiful Log Cabin in rich deep greens, reds and golds. The blocks are placed on the point and the border triangles are alternating velvet solids in deep burgundy and green; it is backed (and will be bound) with a beautiful huge hydrangea print. She was quite excited with the progress on it and is anxious to get it finished and into the quilt closet to use.

She also pulled another pretty one that she and Linda are making for a friend and selected more fabrics to add on to the centre panel that she has sewn. It's done in delicate floral prints and looks like a Snowball but the corner blocks have been appliquéd on instead of stitched in.

The 9-Patch blocks that you see in the bottom right corner will be used in one of several borders.

She also wanted to incorporate some Flying Geese so I gave her a quick tutorial on making 4 at one time and she was off to the races.

In no time at all she had about 50 made.

I can't help but wonder if this is the secret to her success...

And just because you can never be working on too many quilts at one time, she pulled out the pieces for her Fruit Salad and sewed several rows together.

This is the same pattern that Betty started working on last summer. They are using fabulous, rich colours and I have no doubt that they will be amazing....M

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