Monday, February 11, 2013

Everything Old Is New Again

Amid all the cutting and sewing and digging through stashes while we were at the cottage there was also a bit of gifting going on. Jane had picked up this vintage Double Wedding Ring in a garage sale and decided that it would be quilted faster if she gave it to Betty. Needless to say, there were one or two squeals of delight with her decision.

It's in great shape and has a wonderful selection of fabrics in it. We were having a bit of a time deciding if the cream fabric is linen or cotton but think that it's cotton.

Now Betty's dreams are filled with how to quilt it - it sounds like it is going to become a duvet cover.

As a quid pro quo, Betty gave Jane a beautiful vintage floss holder with remnants of silk floss.

We found this in mom's treasures when we cleaned out her house; it's made from a tea towel and a piece of cotton sewn into channels to store skeins of floss without getting them all tangled together.

It looks like there was a bit of tangling anyway but it makes for a beautiful piece of art, which Jane is planning to frame.

Brilliant! It will be gorgeous....M


  1. What a beautiful vintage DWR quilt top. How nice that it has found a home where it is loved and appreciated ... :) Pat

  2. I washed it, and it came up beautifully. The background is muslim.


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