Monday, September 16, 2024

Binding Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope is one of two quilts that I need to bind before our Quilts for Survivors boxes are bundled up for delivery. I've been dragging my feet on making the binding but finally tackled it this week, and got it sewn on. 

I forget how quickly the binding goes on these quilts. They are lap-sized and considerably smaller than the quilts I usually make so I started the hand stitching yesterday and it looks like it will be wrapped up today.

Despite trying to store my Wonder Clips in the same place all the time I do tend to lose track of them periodically, and last night was one of those times, so I resorted to pinning. 

It's fine, but I've gotten so accustomed to the clips that I find myself really leery of stabbing myself now if I use pins so I was thrilled when I remembered where the clips were. 

It's now all clipped and ready to be finished. No point in shedding a little blood on the quilt at this stage in the game, is there?

Loving the backing that I got from Roberta; I don't think that it could have been more perfect.

Next up will be the Brown Stars (creative name, isn't it?) which is trimmed and ready to go. Think this one will get a gingham binding....M


  1. Now I have to go looking for my clips so I know where they are. That binding should take much time at all. Those quilts are very pretty.

  2. Oh Marie, both those quilts are so beautiful. I especially love the brown stars and happy to see some more masculine colors for the survivors to receive. Will make someone feel very special. xo

  3. They are both lovely and you are kind to gift them to the Survivors.


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