Monday, August 05, 2024

Love Me A Long Weekend

Our August long weekend is always a little bittersweet for me in that you realize that summer's half over, but it's a great chance to kick back for a little hand stitching.

After a fun-filled day with life-long friends on Saturday, Sunday was stitchin' time.

My little basket of Anna Levens hexies has resurfaced so I was busy basting, which always reminds me of Lori Holt from Bee in My Bonnet. She once wrote about paying one of her children five cents for each hexie that they basted for her; this is what 95 cents looks like 😏.

A makeshift needle holder keeps all of my essentials in one place (just love that little acorn print - wish I could find more!)....M

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness; THAT'S what I need to get my projects back on track! CHILD LABOR to do my prep work for me! :-). Hahaha! Unfortunately my kids are 21 and 24, not at all interested in basting hexies or prepping appliqué for me, and if I did talk them into this job I'd have to pay them a lot more than 5 cents per piece! Your hexies are looking lovely!


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