Sunday, August 18, 2024

Lots of Little Bindings

It's been a binding palooza around here lately!
Motivated by wanting to take my mug rugs with me to bind while on our getaway, I pulled out some binding remnants which I thought might work. I was certain that the pink gingham would be the first to be used but somehow it slipped through the screening process. 

I did have to make one in yellow gingham to finish off the blue rugs though as nothing in the pile worked. There are two and I really like them. Made from what used to be a lavender sachet cover, I just couldn't pitch the fabric so I added a strip of coordinating blue to make them large enough. Easy peasy. Very happy to have found a good use for it.

And I love this green and white polka dot with the yellow braid...

though at some point late in the process I obviously stopped paying attention when I was attaching the bindings to the rugs 😏.

And this is one of the Log Cabin rugs. The other is bound in a dark, rustic red but I don't think that I have a photo of it; you can see a corner of it in the first photo.
This one came together with a few of the tiny four-patches from Scraptastic. I've been incorporating a little of everything into those blocks but that green was just a little too contemporary compared to everything else so I moved them to this project.

A large mauve floral worked nicely with the yellow braids as well.

This was the perfect hand stitching project to have on hand and, thanks to a little help from Jane, all 11 are now finished and ready for Maggie to gift....M


  1. Well done on getting all those bindings done! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. That is a great travel project. Small enough and easy to work on without needing to pay a lot of attention. They are so pretty.

  3. You know, Binding-Palooza sounds like a wonderful event for a quilt guild sewing gathering! I know so many quilters who loathe, procrastinate and/or struggle with getting their binding to look the way they want, and if a bunch of quilters got together to work on binding nearly-finished projects there would be group motivation as well as the opportunity to pick up tips and tricks from the methods used by other quilters. Of course your bindings look fabulous -- congrats on moving so many projects across the finish line!


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