Sunday, January 28, 2024

Squaring the Circle(s)

Remember Halo? I've been enjoying it on my design wall for months on end (or is that years?) but I thought I'd finally tackle a few of the edge blocks and see if I can't finish it some time this century. I have a design wall so it would be nice to actually use it as one rather than as a holder for an almost-completed quilt 😏(though I do love seeing it up on the wall).

Currently, all of the edge pieces form half circles, so I need to add the adjoining curved pieces that square everything up (the pieces to the left). 

I wanted my border to be a little wider so I've cut the edge pieces twice as long as the template; they are 12.5" x 5". If it looks like it's too much when everything is together I can always trim it back a bit.

I toyed with using various shades of greys for this to create a bit of a border within the pattern itself but opted to continue with the totally scrappy look.

There's no rushing curves so you have to get into a bit of a Zen mindset. It's proving to be a nice change from assembling trees and it's wonderful to finally see the border come together. 

Truth be told though, it feels like I am spending more time pinning than I am time sewing.

A little work last weekend and a bit more this weekend and I'm almost half way there. The bottom left corner looks a little funny because I haven't inserted that piece yet. I can see where one or two pieces might need to be shuffled before it's sewn together, but I'll wait until all of the border pieces are together before venturing there....M

1 comment:

  1. Stunning quilt … which makes my head spin!!! I can’t even imagine how you’re creating this one, Marie!

    I’m so far behind I am in your blog. You have been busy! LOL!


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