Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Greetings

The dust is beginning to settle on our Christmas hustle and bustle. I hope that you have enjoyed the holidays thus far and that you are able to connect with family and friends to share some time together. We have had a terrific Christmas, including gifting a few last minute projects.

My sister Betty has a thing for doing laundry; she calls it her meditation. As I was looking at finishing up this sampler of Good Day Syre Christemas - a view of Santa's rustic home in the woods with his laundry hung out on the line to dry - it occurred to me that it would make a perfect gift for her.

Three large snowflakes were the last of the elements to be worked on. Placement was the biggest challenge because of the linen that I was using, but I managed to get them into the correct spot. It occurred to me after the fact that I could have run a basting stitch to help position them and avoid counting and recounting to make sure that they were where I wanted them to be. I'll do that for the next one.

The very last details were the deer tracks that run through the woods. They are faint in colour but add a special little touch.

It's a really sweet piece and I love the humour of it. All pressed and ready to be framed, it will be interesting to see what Betty chooses for that.

I ordered two pieces of linen when I ordered the pattern so maybe I will start a second one for me now.

Merry Christmas everyone!....M

1 comment:

  1. Your work is lovely and so detailed . . . your sister Betty will love it :)


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