Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Pumpkin Spice Is A Little Addictive

Okay, so twice this week this is what we've woken up to. Not the most autumnal colours now, are they? Well, outdoors at least. 

Happily, the leaves are still falling indoors, and are proving to be a little difficult to pull myself away from (Roberta is a bad influence.)

My initial fabric pull reinforced that I have a lot of fabrics that read like solids, but the colourful Kaffe fabric that I used in the block above introduced mauve and blue, saving the day by adding both colour and texture. SO much better. I got the inspiration from the photo on the pattern and couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to have some in my stash.

Once I got started it was clear that one block was not going to be nearly enough. Happily, a little more digging produced a little more texture....M


  1. I love the way these leaf blocks are turning out.

  2. love the addition of the Kaffe multi-colored fabric, just so many combos!

  3. Love this leaf pattern, and your colours are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see what you do with them. The snow this week was a surprise, but the trees with their coloured leaves, and the lovely November morning light, made for a beautiful sight!


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