Sunday, September 24, 2023


Every now and then it becomes glaringly apparent that I have OCD tendencies, and this quilt is just another example. I am so keen on ensuring that our shipment to Quilts for Survivors is as full as it can be that in early August I decided that a Scrappy Mountain Majesties needed to be added to the pile. With Bonnie Hunter's tutorial in hand, I did a really quick pull of lots of brights and a handful of neutrals and I was off!

It was a good excuse to work in some fabrics that I've had hanging around and I don't think that I have ever used, like this green.

Love this combo too. I've got tons of both of those fabrics so maybe another quilt down the road, but I digress.

I started out making both sides of my mountains carbon copies of each other but quickly realized that mixing things up could be lots of fun. I also realized that I had cut enough for about one and half quilts, so I just kept going so that there would be a pair. Story of my life lately.

There was the requisite trimming, but it went fairly quickly.

And soon the pile grew....M

1 comment:

  1. I’ve used that pattern a couple of times. Works up quickly and makes a great quilt with many layout possibilities


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