Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturated and Sensational

Saturated colour seems to be the order of the day in my quilting circle lately. Last week Betty put this beauty up on frames to start hand quilting it. Stunning!

The jumping off point was a deep navy blue fabric that our friend Nancy gave her many years ago (I'll get her to clarify exactly which fabric that is as there are several scattered throughout which could match that description).

Nancy's family and ours have been cherished life-long friends. She recently turned 90 but it doesn't seem to be slowing her down much and she still has a great eye for colour and an adventurous improv spirit when it comes to her quilting. Like many of us, she is keen to whittle down her stash.

Betty's quilt is made from the Tumbling Blocks pattern but she refers to it as her hexie quilt, and she's not wrong. Hexie lover that I am, I cannot believe that I didn't see it. All hand stitched, the tiny diamonds are cut from 1.5" strips. 

Believe it or not, this is the second time that she has stitched it together! The first time there was much more of a star pattern throughout with the oranges and yellows being the focus but she didn't care for it, deciding to go a little more organic. Doesn't it go beautifully with the posey from her garden?....M


  1. what a gorgeous interplay of colours, love it, so rich

  2. Betty certainly has an eye for colour and this is gorgeous. Please show her progress as she quilts it up as we will all want to see this.

  3. Love love love!

  4. Lovely fabrics in the quilt and I’m quite envious of the beautiful posey. I wish daffodils and tulips grew in our heat.


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