Sunday, April 23, 2023

Things Are Starting to Add Up

Happily, several of my friends and family are promising to add a quilt or two to the shipment that our church quilters will be making to Quilts for Survivors in the fall. Additionally, Jean, one of the gals at the church, has been digging into her scrap bags and been making 16" block, one or two a week. Here's a little show and tell so that you can see what she's been up to, starting with a little fun fussy cutting.

She started out making four 8" Log Cabin blocks and combining them all into one block.

She's also been saving her trimmings from making bindings so had lots of little triangles to work with.

The next set was a variation on the same theme, with more Log Cabins and triangles in the same block.

And this time the triangles were a little larger so she didn't need quite as many rounds.

More Log Cabins in the last set...

And then she improvised a little with the triangles because she was running out of long light strips 😉.  All in all, a wonderful testament to keeping those little bits because you just never know when they will come in handy.

I have no doubt that these will be well received and with October still several months off, am hopeful that she has a few more in the works....M


  1. What great blocks ! The resulting quilts will be beautiful and will bring comfort and healing . What church do you go to?

  2. Wow! What an awesome idea and example of what little bits can become!

  3. A lot of patience went into making these blocks! Nicely done!


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