Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Scrappy Binding

No sooner had I put the last stitch into the Ocean Waves binding than I started another blue binding, this time scrappy. It's for a pretty Lemoyne Star charity quilt that our gals at the church have been working on since late January and I volunteered to finish it up.

This quilt started as a way to use up the stars that had been gifted to one of our quilters years ago so it has been cobbled together with whatever would suit from her stash. I'll tell you more about it in another post but wanted to share the bindings. This is the first of three fabrics that we are using in the binding...

and I have just rounded the corner with the second. I have yet to stitch down any of the stretch made from the third piece. 

I'm not sure that any of them would have been great on their own, but by incorporating all three it takes the pressure off of having to try for that perfect match. It's a lap-sized quilt so it's not going to take as long as my Ocean Waves to stitch. In fact, I think I'm about half way through so hopefully it will be finished up in the next day or two. A lovely way to spend a sort of unappealing weather afternoon....M


  1. Oh, how pretty the backing is on the quilt. I love the thought of having a scrappy look using three different fabrics for the binding.

  2. I like scrappy bindings. I am looking forward to seeing the whole quilt.


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