Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sew Slowly

Just a little over a week ago COVID finally caught up with me. It was inevitable I guess, but not in the least bit welcome. Needless to say, it's been a pretty low energy several days so my plans for Halo never did hit the ground, but occasionally I have picked up Anna Levens.

I haven't worked on this quilt for several months; it was folded up before the holidays and is only resurfacing now to work it's healing powers.

My hexies are basted on an as needed basis and I am amazed that my funky little paper clip is still in the bin after all this time. I use it to secure the fabric to my paper...

and keep it in place until I finish basting the entire thing. It makes all the difference in keeping things secure and minimizing slippage.

I'd hardly say that I made huge progress, but I have managed to finish assembling a row of hexies and getting it attached to one of the sides, which feels good....M


  1. Sorry about unfortunately getting covid. 😔 Take it easy. The hexies are looking good!

  2. I hope your energy returns soon. A little progress is better than no progress at all.

  3. Hexies are always a lovely thing to stitch. Your Anna Levens is a beauty. Hoping you are back to your old self soon.

  4. This is such a beautiful project. So sorry you got Covid. It's sometimes hard to remember Covid is still with us, but it sure is. I hope you feel completely better sooner rather than later!


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