Monday, November 07, 2022

Three Days and Counting

Time is running short to have everything ready for this year's Holly Bazaar on Thursday and I am happy to say that I'm in pretty good shape. Last on my binding list are the set of four Peppermint Pines Christmas tree placemats; two finished and two to go.

I've backed them with a tiny red and white pin dot and am using the same to bind everything. I love the way that they are all the same and yet all different. And I seemingly never tire of using that Jingle Bells panto for many of my holiday pieces.

Given that there is so much going on in the trees, I've kept all of the tree trunks in the same red and white dot to establish a bit of commonality, but other that that, no two are alike....M


  1. I’m sure these will sell quickly!

  2. Beautiful and getting me in the spirit or maybe into the Spirits! Lindianna


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