Monday, October 17, 2022

Speed Binding For The Quilt Show

In addition to hosting our annual Holly Bazaar, the gals at the church decided that it might be fun to hold a quilt show and afternoon tea this past weekend and I was happy to be able to provide both quilts and baking towards the effort. The church setting was exceptionally beautiful and our visitors thoroughly enjoyed not only it, but the show and the tea.
It was something to behold, with quilts draped over two pews to make it easier for our guests to get a good look at them.

Approximately half of the church was filled with the collection from one man - Mennonite quilts that he has collected over the years. Apparently this is only a portion of his collection.

And his wife shared an expansive collection of her hand-hooked rugs, some of which were her own design. Amazingly, she was fine with folks walking on them.

This is a section from one that really appealed to me; apparently it takes her about 400 hours to make a rug.

This delicate cross stitch quilt looked like an heirloom.

I pulled together eight quilts to share...

and it was fun to see them mixed in with the rest of the show.

I had some last-minute binding to do to get Wintersweet ready for the show. It's been waiting to be bound for a couple of months now and of course I'd left it to the last minute, but I made it! (I'll share more about it next time.)

I baked pecan tassies for the tea...

and in the hall you could tell that they had lots of fun decorating, including these tea-themed centrepieces. The quartet playing throughout the tea was a nice touch.

This was the first time we've undertaken a show like this but from the comments I've received, folks would love to see it done again. 

With friends offering up their quilts to show, I would hope that there would be enough interest in a repeat. It was a wonderful way to spend an otherwise dreary autumn afternoon...M


  1. That is so special! What a wonderful idea and how special that you got to share your quilts too! Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I wish we could have seen them in person. :-) K-

  2. Great place to display all of the quilts! I have seen this done before. Those tarts look delicious! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. Oh my goodness -- "speed" and "Binding" don't seem to belong in the same sentence! Looks like this was a wonderful show. Wish I could have been there to see the quilts in person!

  4. That's wonderful! So many quilts and hand-made rugs to boot! Please tell us in advance next time, I just might make the 2-hour drive to see this in person. It looks so impressive. Glad to hear you got a good crowd attending. Bravo! ;^)

  5. I always think there is something so special about quilts being displayed in a church. How beautiful it must have been to see it in person. Thanks for sharing the photos of all those wonderful quilts.

  6. Wow! What a wonderful colorful quilt display. I'm glad you were able to include some of yours as well.

  7. Hi Marie: thoroughly enjoyed the quilt show and speaking with the ladies at and in the show as well as the women who worked at the tea. The highlight, I must say, was being the highest bidder on a table runner you made. So very pleased to come home with your version of "Rhubarb Crisp". It's adorning my table right now. Thank you for everything, was very enjoyable way to spend the afternoon. The tea and goodies were a delight at well. Salut! Lindianna xo


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