Sunday, July 17, 2022

Anna Levens Returns

Minnie might be ready for quilting but fear not, there are lots more hexies that need some attention now that Anna Levens is back in the rotation.

Much as I love this quilt, it is not as easy to bundle up and move about as Minnie; because the hexies are paper-basted there is always the risk of the papers popping out, making it trickier to sew together. So, I only work on it when I have a bit more of a 'controlled' environment.

The large hexies have been together for quite a while and I've been working to fill in the ends and corners. I'm at the point now where I have several rows of hexies to add to each side. 
I decided to try sewing strings of five or six together and adding the string rather than adding one hexie at a time and I have to say that it worked quite well, so I'm going to keep going that way....M


  1. Your hexie quilt is wonderful. I stitched a similar one years ago and still use it on the guest bed. I'm visiting from Slow Sunday Stitching.

  2. Sounds like you have an efficient plan.

  3. It's great when you can work out a way to be that little bit more efficient with the piecing. But isn't it wonderful hand stitching!

  4. Another hexie beauty, and so different from Minnie! The “centrepiece” fabrics are lovely! Did you cut those large sections with a template, and baste stitch the seam allowance? It’s such an unusual shape to work with. Well done, Marie!


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