Tuesday, May 03, 2022

To Scream or Not To Scream...

There's been a little Shakespearean tragedy (or maybe it's a comedy?) playing out in the sewing room.

Keen to get Halo closer to the finish line now that the baby quilts are done, I've been focused on finishing up all the necessary pie shapes needed so that I can move on to assembling the blocks. I was getting to the end of the line so I started cleaning up the fabrics and templates and decided to take a look at the pattern again. 

It took a bit of time to register, but eventually I figured out that I have been laying the edge pieces out incorrectly. 

I should have been building it so that the edges finished in complete circles, as shown at the right, but I was finishing off with half circles/a straight edge. Ah, the power of the pattern.

Things were eventually rearranged to where they should be but what made me want scream was the fact that I had sewn so many unneeded 'T' centres for the blocks - 15 in all. So I resorted to my tried and true crisis management technique: turn out the lights and leave the room.

Sanity prevailed a day or two later and I returned to begin sewing the blocks - finally! I have to say that I'm just loving seeing them come together.

SO scrappy!

I take the pieces for one block down off the wall at a time and it helps me track how many I've made and how many are left to go.

As for those 15 extra T sections, not sure what their fate is. Maybe some day they will become a runner or a baby quilt, but right now I'm not up for cutting more pie-shaped pieces to finish them off. Time will tell....M


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Glad you persevered! Lovely, as always.

  2. Absolutely wonderful! The circles are so even! Excellent work. Sorry for the extra "T". Let's just say you have half of the next quilt done. ;^)

  3. Turning out the light and leaving the room is good when necessary;). This is such a gorgeous fun quilt! Your fabrics are just beautiful. That pattern is so interesting and fun.

  4. Your Halo quilt is gorgeous! Your choice of fabrics and use of value are superb and now I want to make one of these too. I had to laugh at your initial response to your “mistake” of turning off the lights and leaving 😊 because I’ve done that too. A break and some deep breathing usually take care of that initial angst and I’m sure you’ll find a purpose for those extra pieces!

  5. LOL, I love that you turned out the lights & left the room … although I’m sure it nagged at you from behind closed doors. In either design, it’s gorgeous, Marie! I’m so impressed with all the work you put into those curves … something I don’t think I would ever attempt!


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