Sunday, February 20, 2022

Who's Up For A Giveaway?

One of the great joys of hosting my blog continues to be the ability to also share the beautiful work of my many creative family and friends, but one friend that's been a little shy is Ann (this one is Ann without a 'e') so today I'm pulling her out of the shadows a bit to host a little giveaway for everyone.

Ann is drawn to bright, fun and funky quilting projects, like this Simple Modern Christmas throw by Susan Madu (sort of reminiscent of all of the Little Trees quilts that you've seen over the last few months, isn't it?).

And Dresden Neighbourhood.

She's also an absolutely fabulous Gran to Rose and they spend lots of time together - playing, reading, baking, cooking and recently, sewing. Before Christmas the two of them worked on tote bags for gifts for Rose's friends...

and since then she and Rose made this Warren the Charity Bear stuffie using a pattern from Shiny Happy World. I'm guessing that a quilt isn't far behind.

Ann is a kind, generous soul, always dropping a note or a little care package into the mail when you least expect it. Recently, she sent through a note wondering if I had any use for a quilt design book; she had picked up The Quilter's Planner Design Book but on closer review decided that is wasn't her thing so we agreed that there might be someone else out there that would to enjoy it.

It's broken down into several sections. There's a place to track the progress on your projects (I do this with an Excel spreadsheet, to some extent), bee blocks and swap projects,

a number of sheets for planning projects as well as several pages to park ideas for future projects.

At the back there are several very helpful reference pages like a cutting estimator to help you easily figure out the number of squares that you can cut from yardage and the diagonal measurement of squares (helpful for calculating sizes for setting quilt blocks on point).

There's also instructions for a few basic piecing methods like HSTs, Four-at-a-Time Flying Geese, Square-in-a-Square blocks and Hourglass units (I have to admit that these pages were a real temptation for me - it's always nice to have a good reference that you can easily put your hands on). 

There's even a colour wheel with a good explanation of monochromatic, complementary and analogous colour schemes, as well as hues, tints and shades, etc. And, it is spiral bound so it sits nice and flat, regardless of which page you turn to.

It sounds like a bit of an infomercial but I wanted to give you as good a sense as possible of what it contains. If this sounds like something that you could use, just leave me a comment and I will draw a winner on Monday, February 28. Unfortunately, my ability to have comments emailed to me from Blogger is still hit and miss, so I might not get back to each of you directly, but rest assured that I can see all of the comments in the back of the house so I will be able to monitor everyone that enters the giveaway. Good luck!....M


  1. Thank you, Marie, for introducing Ann. I love her Dresden Neighbourhood. I hope she will let you share more of her work as I would love to see more. You do beautiful work, Ann. Bravo! ;^)
    P.S. I'll skip the draw as I work with Excel, but thanks anyway.

  2. We need to celebrate our friends more. They can be so important in our lives and fostering our creativity.

  3. I use kanbanflow for my quilt projects. I use to track my work projects then conscripted it into service by designing a board for quilting. It works very well and is quite visual I use excel quite a bit but find the Kansan board a better platform fot this purpose

    Loved the whimsical tree quilt

  4. Caught up on your posts now. Those four patch hearts are so pretty. Of course, I love the EPP you have on the back burner as it were too. Meanwhile, how nice to showcase Ann's work which is all lovely. I especially like how she is now mentoring another little sewist in the making!

  5. Thanks for the opportunity to be in a drawing for this useful tool. Love your blog and all the inspiration I find here.

    Nan Hohenstein


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.