Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Minnie's Time Has Come

To say that my hand stitching time has been sporadic this year is being kind - I've barely lifted a needle, aimlessly looking for something to catch/keep my attention, often sitting in to the machine instead. It's not for a lack of options, because there are a few projects on the go - I just wasn't interested in working on anything quite yet so my evenings were more often than not spent watching shows that The Official Cookie Tester had taped, hands doing not much more than holding my tea. But over the weekend that all changed; Minnie is back in the house!

I laid out all of the large diamonds and setting triangles and started planning. It's going to be lovely.

My guess of how many large diamonds I needed is pretty close - I've got two more to make and then the corner pieces. I'm going to assemble several rows and then fill in the missing spots later.

There's lots of extra parts (setting triangles) because I hadn't really calculated how many I might need, so I just kept stitching. I'm hoping that I can add to one or two to give me the large diamonds that I need and then cut a few back for the required corner bits.

It's quite exciting to finally be at the point of assembling all of the bits and pieces into a flimsy!....M


  1. How lovely! No wonder you are excited. Lovely work!

  2. I'm happy to see Minnie again. You are really close to finishing this one. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. It is going to be lovely, Marie! The variety of fabrics is gorgeous, and so vintage-y! I can’t wait to see what you do with the quilting!

  4. You should be super excited. Minnie is gorgeous and has so many beautiful hexie diamonds. You've got a plan now.

  5. You SHOULD be excited! This is already looking so incredible!:)


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