Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Another Little Trees Quilt is Finished

Sandy has been busy, busy, busy quilting her Little Trees, including over Christmas - which to me sounds like the perfect way to enjoy the holidays - and now it's finished. Apparently the trick is to spend many an hour stitching while watching cheesy Christmas movies and enjoying an eggnog or two... a recipe for success if you ask me.

Unfortunately, she didn't quite make it to get photos while her Christmas décor was still up, but she's still very happy with how it turned out and I can't help but agree. 

Remember the great bicycle fabric that she found for the backing?

Well, she just couldn't resist using some of it on the front too, and who can blame her? It's gorgeous and works so well with the green gingham - such a great find! And I love how she quilted the trees; it's a great fit for the contemporary prints.

This was her first attempt at a bias binding and apparently it will not be her last. I find it so much more enjoyable to stitch a binding on the bias; there's a softness and pliability that you just don't get when it's cut on the straight of grain. That candy cane stripe is the perfect finishing touch to a beautiful Christmas quilt.

And I have to share the beautiful Christmas cards that she made too - SO much work, and more beautiful trees!

Apparently she has nothing else in the works right now so her new year will really be a fresh start when she lands on her next project. She is keen to start on something though because she's not certain that she knows how to watch TV without needle and thread in hand...M


  1. The Little Trees are so cute and perfect for the holidays. Although it could be out anytime. The backing fabric needed to be on the front as well. I like bias bindings too, especially when it's a sweet little stripe.

  2. Ahhh... this is what a Christmas quilt should look like! Really great job and the bicycle fabric definitely needed to be included on the front! Lovely, lovely quilt.:)

  3. Love Sandy's tree quilt, I am resolved to make myself one as I have loved seeing your photos. They look so beautiful.

  4. Sandy's Little Trees quilt is perfection! I love the addition of the blacks and I love that bicycle fabric!! Great finish Sandy!

  5. Oh my gosh; the Little Trees quilt is just fabulous! Doesn’t it make you want to drag your Christmas tree out again, even though it’s all just recently been packed away?!

  6. What a beautiful finished Christmas Tree quilt, kudos to Sandy. Enjoyed seeing the finished work of her hands. Lindianna

  7. Thanks, Ladies! I love that each of our “Little Trees” have their own personality! We need to have another group quilt to play with! Snowy day out there … time to cut something!!!

    1. How cute! The trees are so small! Did you use paper piercing ? Thanks

  8. Love this tree! It could be a wall hanging, table runner, or quilt. Where did you get the pattern? I want to start one.


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