Monday, November 08, 2021

Two Christmas Starlight Table Toppers

Lately it feels like if it's not nailed down I'm binding it, but that's also a sign that more items for the Holly Bazaar are being added to the finished pile, and that's a good thing. Case in point, two new star table toppers. I saw the inspiration on Pinterest and am not certain what they were called, so I'm calling them Christmas Starlight.

They are a simplified version of the star toppers that I have made in the past, made with one star and a border of blocks rather than nine stars. I seem to have a never-ending stack of 3.5" blocks of Christmas prints lying around so they required minimal cutting and came together very quickly. Bonus! I'm loving the centre gingham on this one.

They are very similar but one is made with a white-on-white background and the other with a cream. 

Both are backed with the same cheery red and Roberta quilted them with the Jingle Bells panto. It is just so perfect for them, setting off the scrappy mix of prints.

There also seems to be an ever-growing stash of bindings/binding strips lurking around so I was able to use this green holly and a red and white polka dot to finish them off. 

It wasn't until after I had the green machine stitched down that I remembered that it was a little narrower than usual (I usually cut a 2" binding and this seemed to be about .25" narrower). It made for a bit of a snugger fit as I was doing the hand stitching, but it still looked nice and worked well with the cream background. 
Part of the charm of using a collection of different prints is having so much fun looking at the variety. This creamy holly is one print that I wish I still had more of. Not that I need more fabric in my stash....M


  1. Cute toppers. You always make lots of wonderful things for the bazaar

  2. I love these, Marie, and surely do wish your Holly Bazaar was closer. ^^

  3. Sweet little project - perfect for some of our quilt ministry members!

  4. I enjoyed reading your descriptions as always. These are really sweet.

  5. Such fun! They would make a delightful quilt. (But then I'm a sucker for read and green together!)


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