Monday, November 01, 2021

Fun With Farmyard Friends

I've got a second set of placemats together for the bazaar and they are just fun. 

While digging for a red fabric for something else, I came across a piece of this novelty print with cows, chickens, sheep and pigs all scattered across a cheery red background and decided that they would be perfect for someone's kitchen.

I've made placemats with a string of geese before and it seemed like a good format. Initially, I had planned to make all of the geese identical, but I'm glad that I went with several gold prints - just adds that much more interest. And, since I make four at a time, it really didn't take that long at all.
Randomly placed straight line quilting also seemed like a good idea.
I found an even smaller piece of this red accent piece to place to the left of the geese (might have bought this from Linda when she was purging her stash a couple of years ago). It's gorgeous - reminds me of a farmer's hankie. Wish there was more of it.
Creamy stars finish off the backs.

As seems to be the way around here, the Official Cookie Tester took a shine to them. It looks like there's enough of the red animal print left to make a pair for us, though I'm not certain that I have enough of the red accent fabric. Either way, after the dust from the bazaar settles I think I'll do that....M


  1. Well done, Marie. I took a shine to them too. Love the binding fabric. Just perfect! ;^)

  2. These are beautiful, Marie!


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