Monday, August 02, 2021

Two and Counting

The binding gods are on my side - Snippets is bound and God's Green Earth is well on it's way to being bound as well. Woohoo!

My Wonder Clips are still AWOL (guess I'm better at Hide and Seek than I had imagined) but while searching for them in the sewing room I found an unopened pack that I quickly pressed into service. A few years ago a bought several packs for gifts and had miscounted so I had one to the good - they have certainly come in handy.

That two-colour binding for God's Green Earth is fast becoming a fave...

especially when combined with the two-colour backing. Lots to keep the eye interested. I'll share more pics when I finish binding the third, Huddle, but for now I'm pinching myself that I've been able to move these two along as quickly as I have.....M

1 comment:

  1. WOW that rainy w/e certainly boosted your binding productivity. Quilts looking marvelous. Hope to get the binding on my Little Christmas tree quilt today. Linda


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