Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Finishing Touches on x/+

While I was at the lake last week Jane was busy putting the finishing touches on a quilt as well, her beautiful x/+ quilt.

Gorgeous as the photos that I had seen were, it is even more spellbinding up close and personal. The colour combinations are so rich, a truly happy quilt.

She bound it with one of the reds that was used in a few blocks and it worked beautifully. 

And I love the striped backing that she chose. It's flannel and she scored a deal on it so that made her doubly happy!

She spent the day finishing up the binding. 

And I have to share this pic with you. I mentioned in my last post that Jane and Linda are headed east in a week or two to visit family. Lucy, who Linda's Little Trees quilt was made for, just loves to play in her toy kitchen so Jane has made a collection of felt food for her as a birthday gift. Isn't it just the sweetest stuff? She will be over the moon!....M


  1. A great collection of Kaffe fabrics. At first I thought the little tart was real!

  2. Those felt food pics really look real, lol

  3. Oh my gosh, Jane has outdone herself with those tasty treats … so creative! What a special gift for Lucy! And, that quilt … I love it!


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