Wednesday, July 21, 2021

It's Time To Bind

It seems that my quilts very seldom go from start to finish in a big rush. Instead, they simmer at various stages. Eventually the spirit moves me and it's on to the next stage, so now this bundle is ready for bindings. As a reminder, from top to bottom they are Snippets, God's Green Earth and Huddle.

All three have been quilted for a few months now but it has taken this long to trim them up and start prepping the bindings. That's okay. I've enjoyed seeing them and knew that once the spirit moved me I'd get at them.

It's amazing how much smaller the pile is now that they are trimmed of the excess batting and binding and how you really see the quilt without all of the extra bits.

And I get to enjoy another good look at Roberta's beautiful quilting...

I've taken a tally of how much I need to cut for each one to take the guesswork out of it.

These are the options I'm looking at: yellow for Snippets, purple and a bit of red for God's Green Earth and the red and cream for Huddle. Now to decide on which one to tackle first!....M


  1. Lovely choices for the bindings Marie. I have finished 2 of the 3 I picked up. Still need to bind the fishing quilt. And I am picking up my x/+ quilt this morning! Went with a new panto called Lotus Blossom so am anxious to see what that looks like. Linda is picking up her Little Trees today as well.

  2. I love getting to the binding point and the edges are cleaned up, and one more bit of color and pattern are added to frame the quilt. Enjoy! Also wishing you a belated happy birthday.

  3. It looks like you’re going be busy, Marie … but, there’s so much satisfaction in working on the binding. I find it really relaxing! Love your colours, and the quilting is stunning. Please post some pics of them completed!!!


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