Sunday, July 04, 2021

Anna Levens Continues to Grow

I've been spending more time with Anna Levens than Minnie lately, just to keep my hand stitching interesting. It's been a while since I shared what Ana looks like so here's a few pics.

I'm working to complete the centre panel, filling in the corners. The top two corners have five rows of hexies beyond the large framed hexie so I'm attempting to fill in the bottom two corners in a similar fashion.

I'm working in a bit of a V formation just to help keep the rows relatively short.

Once the last two corners are squared off I think that I will add four or five rows to either side so that the seven large hexies are framed in a similar fashion all round. 

All of my hexies were starting to look the same so this week has been about cutting more to add to the variety. Time to sit and stitch a bit....M


  1. Happy Slow Stitching Sunday. What a great project to be working on. I just love the fabrics and colors in your hexie quilt. Happy quilting.

  2. Great project you are working on! Hope you have a great week!

  3. Enjoy your stitching.This is a beautiful project.

  4. How beautiful and soft the colors are! Lovely!

  5. What a beautiful quilt taking shape! After my first and so-far only hexie quilt, I sort of said "never again" but posts like these make me reconsider;).

  6. I hope you are able to divide your time equally between your two girls so neither feels deprived. 🙃


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