Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Dust is Settling

Despite my little dust up with Diamond Dust, the two missing blocks are now together and so is the flimsy. It's amazing how things come together when you just buckle down and get on with it 😉.

I'm quite taken with all of the half-inch squares dancing across the quilt - lots and lots of variety to move the eye around. This was a great way to use some of my one-inch strips. Soon I'll need to give some thought to the quilting pattern - something that can really take advantage of those white nine-inch blocks.

The quilt is very white and needs a little something to ground it so I'm going to add a border, as wide as I can get, out of this mauve floral. I think that there is more than a metre of it. I'm thinking that a little pink gingham backing and binding might work; we'll see what's in the stash.

The red in the blossoms was a pleasant surprise that is saving my bacon a bit. There are a few deep red squares  in the blocks (you can see on in the bottom left) that looked like they might be a little too intense when I laid everything out but they tie in nicely to the blooms. Happy, happy.....M


  1. I think your choice of border is just right. It will be interesting to see how you quilt this pretty pretty top!

  2. Such a nice project. I don't blame you for wanting to use the big blossom print. It is really lovely.

  3. I think you found a winning combination!

  4. You found the perfect fabric for the border. Can't wait to see it all together. Enjoy! ;^)

  5. Beautiful! The perfect Summertime quilt!

  6. This is so, so pretty! Half inch scrap squares, huh? Now I cannot even throw 1" scraps of fabric away. I am going to need to invest in larger scrap bins!!

  7. Marie, I'm in love with this little quilt, especially the little 1" squares. Simply fabulous.


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