Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Blue Smoke in Every Direction

I was all gung ho to move a couple of quilts along over the weekend but it seems as though the quilting gods and I were out of sync. 

I had pulled a mauve floral for the Diamond Dust border and decided that it was time to see if everything worked together.

So I laid out the blocks in the hopes of getting them sewn together. Not so fast. I am two blocks short! How did that happen??? 

Miffed, I packed them all back into a pile and decided that I would focus on the Yellow Houses instead. 

Guess it just wasn't my day because I was short three blocks for this one! Whaaaat??!

I have made at least six extra white houses and not enough yellow. No combination of layouts was going to get me to where I needed to be without making more yellow houses. The blue smoke in the room got decidedly thicker.

I'm not keen on cutting more but I might have to. I was so steamed that these blocks got packed up again too but I may lay them out one more time to see if, after I add the borders, it will be large enough for a throw. The extra blocks could be made into a baby quilt with an alternating block of some sort, possibly an Irish Chain

So, now I'm desperately trying to put on my big girl pants, one leg at a time, to figure out what to do. The easiest is probably to start by making two more Diamond Dust blocks but I'm still not in the mood for that. Hope it doesn't mean that there's a squirrel lurking somewhere....M


  1. Mood is so important when making/trying to finish quilts, I think. I know that if I don't "feel" like it--bad things will naturally occur!! Which is probably why I have many "to be finished" objects waiting in the wings...I don't know if i just lose interest/don't like it anymore/wonder why I started the darn thing!! But...such is my quilting life...hugs, Julierose
    P.S. I LOVE those yellow houses...really lovely...

  2. You can do it, Marie! Both quilts are going to be gorgeous! You threw me a curve ball, though. On first glance, I thought you had already quilted the white blocks in Diamond Dust! LOL! Out of curiosity, how many quilts do you have on the go right now?

  3. Very frustrating. The yellow house quilt hits all the high notes for me though, I'd probably just try to power through the last few blocks needed.:)

  4. Doesn't that just kill ya! But you've seemingly have gathered up your determination to move on!

  5. How frustrating, I hope you dont get too upset with these projects as they are so beautiful!!

  6. Yes.... some days are like that! I would make two more diamond dust blocks and get that one together... that one will be so beautiful that you might want to make a couple more houses for the yellow and white quilt! :-) Sometimes it's best to just walk away and return refreshed and inspired another day! :-)


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