Saturday, May 08, 2021

It's Been a Long, Long Time

It feels like its been all Minnie, all the time around here lately so it was time to mix it up a bit (I would dearly love to see Minnie finished this year but I still want to like her when she is 😉!). 

In search of something else to pick up nothing much seemed to appeal - either I had to cut or lay out blocks. I just wanted something to sew. So I went and sat in front of my machine to ponder my options and found the answer staring me in the face. Halo!

I cannot even begin to remember the last time I sewed on it (it has lived on my design wall all this time) but I had tons of the pieces cut and ready to go, so decision made.

With all the curves involved, it's not speed sewing by any stretch of the imagination, but periodically I will sit down and sew eight or ten more pie-shaped pieces and get them up on the wall...

filling in spots as I go.

Then I prep a batch and I'm ready to sew the next time I sit in.

Soon I think I'll switch to assembling blocks. When I've been laying things out I've focused on the circles and the fabric combos therein...

but this is the block layout, with the pie-shaped pieces in each corner. Lots more curves to sew! This will give me a new perspective on everything and might result in a few moves, but I think I'll just see where things take me....M


  1. The colours and patterns in this quilt blow me away, Marie! There’s so much warm to the overall look. I can’t imagine the time and focus it’s taken to do all those curves. My seam ripper would be getting a helluva workout, if it was me making it! LOL!

  2. It is so lovely. Are you sewing by hand or machine?

  3. This is going to be such a lovely quilt. So happy you shared it with Oh Scrap!

  4. Your Halo quilt is just magnificent, Marie! I could look at it for hours. Enjoy every stitch of it!

  5. Wow! What a work of patience and love. It's magnificent. Very interesting block, one I haven't seen before. The colours and the movement the curves bring are just lovely. Can't wait to see more of it. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. That is really going to be a fun project. Curves are not one I get comfortable doing, I suppose it would be easier the more one does.

  7. That's a very cool quilt you are working on.

  8. You've done a great job sewing those curves. This is going to be an awesome quilt with all the patterns and colors!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.