Sunday, May 23, 2021

Adding a Row or Two

I ran out of paper hexies to baste so I've started adding a couple of rows to one corner of Anna Levins

I'll probably keep going until all of the basted hexies are used up again.

Thought I might be stitching out on the deck today but after a few days of 30+ degree temps its quite breezy and downright chilly outdoors, so I think I'll sit in and watch golf.

Happy Victoria Day weekend!....M


  1. Happy Victoria Day! The weather is still making up its mind. The golf is good. Have an awesome week.

  2. Nothing like a hand work project to work on while sitting still!

  3. Hi,
    I made a Hexie Quilt a few years ago...I've been thinking about making another one. Yours is beautiful..have a great day!


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