Thursday, April 01, 2021

The Final Four

It's not all been hand sewing of late. Over the weekend I spent some time with my 1" strips again, putting together more Diamond Dust blocks. Only four more to go!

As is usually the case for me, I've taken the long way home. If I had selected several prints to work with at the get-go instead of my scraps, I could have sewn long strip sets and moved things along much faster. 

Working with my scraps means that I'm usually working with two or four-inch strips sets, occasionally something a little longer, which is more time-consuming. 

That's okay. I love being able to use up every bit of fabric that I have and it will end up with a wonderfully scrappy feel.

And before long there's another pile of nine patch blocks ready to be made into a larger square.

Soon it will be time to start thinking borders and binding.....M


  1. Those diamond dust blocks look fantastic! I know what you mean about scraps making an easy quilt pattern more complicated and time consuming, but I agree with you that all the bother and fuss is totally worth it in the end!

  2. These are the sweetest blocks, and will make a wonderful quilt.

  3. what sweet fabrics in your blocks. they are so pretty!

  4. What pretty blocks! I hear you on the using scraps! It is a challenge sometimes to get as much as you can out of them in creative ways.


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