Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Dust is Beginning to Settle

With all of the Diamond Dust blocks together now it was time to turn my thoughts to the setting blocks and triangles. 

The blocks will be on point and alternate with white blocks. My go-to white is Kona Snow and I keep a bolt of it on hand, but I wasn't sure that I had enough so I ordered a new bolt from Mad About Patchwork (they have bolts of it on sale regularly and I lucked out with my timing). I wanted to ensure that all of the blocks are from the same dye lot.

I also indulged in a few bits of fabric. I really should look more closely when I order online because that 'Meow' print with paw prints was a real surprise - I was more focused on the colour. Ah well, it will get used. The green pin dot is for my Little Trees but I don't really have a plan for the others.

What I really loved in the bundle is this neutral - it has lots of potential! I think that I used it in black for God's Green Earth.

I had a good laugh when my parcel arrived because somehow the postman had fit it into our Community Mailbox. Must have needed a shoehorn!

For the past year I've been kept very busy with a contract which will wind down now at the end of May. I'm so looking forward to having the dust settle on that work and having more time open up for my quilting - the list in my head is growing and growing....M


  1. It is such a pleasure when you are winding down from a project and get to dream about all the different things you can make and things you can do with your free time. Those soft fabrics are all such great choices.

  2. Glad your use of time will be redirected. 😊

  3. I love white in a quilt ... and with those little pops of colour ... so fresh! What a great idea to buy a bolt of white! I have a go-to that I can get at Fabricland, but I never thought of the dye lot. Time to go shopping!

  4. Good to be able to look forward to more 'me' time. Love your latest fabrics. I'm feeling the urge to buy some new, but am trying to practice restraint! lol At least for the time being.:)


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