Sunday, April 11, 2021

Spring Stitches

We've been blessed with several days of unseasonably warm temperatures so it's been a joy getting the yard raked up this week. It's always nice to get a jump on cleaning things up early in the season.

After several hours of it yesterday I could easily have headed for a nap, but it was so beautiful outdoors that I picked up Minnie and took her outside instead.

Talk about S-L-O-W stitching! But rather than feeling that I needed to race through things I just stitched at a very pokey speed - so relaxing.

There's a pile of components still to be assembled into setting triangles before the last rounds of hexies are added; I'll continue with them today.

It's a little chiller today so I suspect that I will be stitching from the comfort of a chair indoors, but that's okay too - it's a pretty view....M


  1. So nice that Minnie had an outing (and you too!)
    Happy Stitching!

  2. I know sometimes I race through things and forget that i'm doing whatever for the joy of it, rather than hurriedly finishing something. Glad you enjoyed your time.

  3. Very pretty hexagons. So glad you got to sit outside and stitch. Always a relaxing and peaceful time.

  4. Yay for warmer weather! How lovely for you and Minnie to sit outside and enjoy each other's company. =) I must say Minnie is looking beautiful. Love the view from your window. Such a pretty flower. Enjoy your slow stitching.

  5. Love those hexagons and realize she is Minnie, right? I love it! I’m way to easy to decide to nap. Good for you to not give in!!

  6. It’s so nice to be able to sew outside after a long winter!

  7. Good for you Marie, Minnie is perking right along. Have made a lot of greeting cards lately so little to none on the stitching front. Fingers are getting itchy though. Jane and I are participating in a collaborative art project so we started that. All the best xo Lindianna

  8. Loved Lena's bunny, Marie and Minnie too. A Minnie is probably in my future. Your growth is ahead of us here in the Ottawa Valley but we have been having warmer temps lately so might catch up.

  9. How wonderful to quilt outside and enjoy the fresh air. I love how your soft hexies are looking.


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