Monday, February 15, 2021

Sandy's Island Vacation

This time of year Sandy usually finds herself relaxing in a sunny climate, scuba diving, kicking back and stitching by the beach. Not so much in these times of pandemic. But that didn't stop her from heading to the island - the kitchen island that is - to baste two quilts so that she can get them into the hoop. 

Don't you just love her Log Cabin? With all of that saturated colour it is the perfect antidote to the chills of winter, particularly with that bright and sunny orange backing. And the piano key border just ties everything in so nicely. LUV.

This is the second of the two and the first that will go into the hoop - Blueberry Pie. Isn't it yummy? So different from the Log Cabin but a real stunner.

So now when she come in from her walk each day she pours a hot chocolate with coconut whipped cream, turns on her favourite Netflix shows and she's got hours of entertainment at her fingertips. I'm looking forward to seeing how she quilts it.

The talk of blueberries triggered a little baking. For the past month or so I've been craving a lemon loaf but was just too lazy to pull everything out and make it. Not sure why I delayed but once I got at it I made two; they came together very quickly.

Delish! The sour cream gives them a nice consistency and keeps it lovely and moist; perfect with my tea....M


  1. Sandy's quilt are fabulous and will be definitely entertaining to work on. You got me on the lemon loaf. Delicious!

  2. That Blueberry Pie quilt is gorgeous! And I want to bake a blueberry bread! :-)

  3. love Sandy's bright and summery quilt, and blueberry pie is stunning!! I admire her hand quilting a large quilt.
    your cake looks delicious, pop the kettle on and I'll be there in a flash lol

  4. Thanks, ladies! These cold snowy days are perfect for quilting! All I really need now is some of that decadent cake!

  5. Wow, once again Sandy is leaving us in her dust. Maybe I need to install an island in my kitchen! The lemon loaf was delish -- I used some of it be make a decadent French toast for Sunday breakfast. YUM!

  6. Love the randomness of the Log Cabin. One rarely sees this approach.


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