Friday, February 26, 2021

Lena's Little Quilt

Betty recently put the finishing touches on an adorable heirloom for tiny little Lena and has kindly written this post to tell us all about it:

"On September 16, 2020, we welcomed our first grandchild, a beautiful little girl whose name reflects her love of light.

Being born into a family of quilters means Lena was gifted with several baby quilts featuring contemporary colours and patterns. At only four months, she'd already chosen her favourite, made by great aunt Anne.

As a first-time grandmother, I chose to make Lena an heirloom quilt, not so much baby-like, but one filled with memories and meaning. I call it Lena's Little Quilt because of its small size which was dictated by the fabric I had to work with.

I started with a pattern that I've always called the Bow Tie but more recently have also seen referred to as True Love. This pattern is special to me because it features in my very first quilt memory. I'm about five years old and standing in the washroom of my Grandma Burchat's home, which housed a linen closet where she must also have stored her quilt projects. Grandma is showing a Bow Tie quilt that she was making to my mom and I, and perhaps a few of my sisters. I vividly remember being enthralled.

For the quilt top, I chose to use fabrics given to me by Lena's great aunt Frances who has a passion for Paris and in recent years has travelled there on a regular basis. As a memento, she brought me back three pieces of floral prints. The tags read: tombe la neige - satin de coton and floraison en aquarelle - voile de coton. They were purchased from La Droguerie.

The blue and orange prints especially are illustrated in an impressionistic watercolour style on cotton voile that is as delicate as it is brilliant. The cotton satine features white blossoms and provides a neutral contrast.

But it is on the back of the quilt where the true sentimentality of this heirloom rests. When Lena's great grandmother (my mother) Martha passed in 2007 I inherited one of her cotton nighties which I wore until it became too delicate. Made from cotton voile, it features periwinkle blossoms dancing on a white background, the flowers growing thicker as they fall towards the bottom of the garment. The piece I cut from the back of the nightgown is the perfect size, weight and colour palette to back Lena's Little Quilt.

Although she left us years ago, my mother Martha and my daughter Julia (Lena's mom) still share a powerful bond. It comforts me to know that mom's loving embrace hugs Lena each time we wrap her in this quilt.
So, Lena's Little Quilt, which Julia has decided will reside at Nana and Grumpy's house for now, was made with the love and influence of several creative women across generations. Though new, it's already a family heirloom."

I've seen Betty's quilt in the making and am more than anxious to see Lena cuddled in it. She is just as cute as a button!....M


  1. Wow, this is just so very special. Full of so much love and meaning. Thank you so much for sharing! Beautiful baby girl and her heirloom quilt!

  2. Cuteness overload! I love how Betty's quilt turned out. Are there string bows at each corner, or just at one? The quilting is beautiful. Martha would be so proud and happy. xo

  3. Smiles all the way around, what a beautiful heirloom. xo

  4. What a beautiful story full of memories. Lena is indeed wrapped in the love of so many special people.

  5. Awwww... the baby, the fabrics, the story.... sweet perfection! :-)

  6. What a wonderful way to welcome a new member of your family! I'll bet that little quilt is as soft as it is beautiful, too. Congratulations!

  7. What a very special story and beautiful quilt...not to mention the precious Lena wrapped up in it.


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