Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lovely Lena

Despite my recent moaning and dripping about making quilt backings, there is another one that I finished recently.

It was for Hugs 'n Kisses, the baby quilt for my darling new great niece, Lena.

I had lots of yardage of this sweet, sweet cherry print, so it was a breeze to put this one together. No wailing or gnashing of teeth this time around.

And Roberta at Cocoa and Quilts brought it to life with the beautiful feathered swirl panto that I have a definite obsession with. 

All that was left to do was bind and wrap it.

Apparently Lena loves it. I know that I am just a tad biased, but I have to say, she is just as cute as a button and suits it perfectly.

It's plenty large so she will be able to enjoy it for a good long while, rather than when she is just teenie tiny.

Given that she was born in September, we've been having to social distance for everyone's safety, but that doesn't mean we haven't been able to love every little bit of her from afar. Hopefully it won't be long before we can cuddle in person....M


  1. Ohmygosh--Lena is certainly adorable and she looks so cute lying on her Hugs and Kisses quilt...nice job--
    I hope you can hug and kiss her for real soon...hugs from afar, Julierose

  2. A beautiful quilt made with extra love! What a treasure for Lena to enjoy forever! She’s adorable ... I hope you can snuggle soon! ;)

  3. What a little darling and your quilt is sweet too😉

  4. Cute quilt, and even cuter baby! An adorable combination.

  5. Awwwww.... Lena's melting hearts already! :-) Beautiful quilty too!

  6. Yes, adorable baby on an adorable quilt! Doesn't get much better.
    Caught up on your posts and your gorgeous quilting. Always enjoy seeing the projects you have on the go, Marie.


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